Monday, June 10, 2013

In Class, Mon. 6.10 + HW for Weds 6.12

Today we'll be reviewing the postcards, mood boards, and color palettes.

I. First, we'll look at the postcards.
Choose one that you'd like to send to yourself through the mail. The back should look like this so that
you have room for your address and stamp:

Address the postcard to yourself at the address where you will be staying while at Parsons. In the open area on the back write a short letter to yourself that describes how you're feeling today. Be specific! You will receive the postcard back at some point in the future.

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II. Second, we'll be looking at the mood boards and color palettes. Each student will give a short, informal introduction to the memory concept that reveals various details about the memory.

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III. Third, we'll begin working in sketchbooks to determine what form the garment will take. The garment can be any wearable item that relates to the body. How can the memory garment's interaction with the body relate to the memory itself?

For HW, begin to work in your sketchbook on garment sketches. Create at least 10 rough sketches that you will develop further during and after class on Wednesday.

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