Monday, June 3, 2013

Assignment #1 - Postcards from Home

Design + Language Studio
Instructor: Jessica Cannon

HOME, defined by

1.    a.  :  one’s place of residence.
b.  :  house

2.    :  the social unit formed by a family living together

3.    a.  :  a familiar or usual setting: a congenial environment; also the focus of one’s domestic attention <home is where the heart is>
b.  :  habitat

4.    a.  :  place of origin <salmon returning to their home to spawn>; also, one’s own country <having troubles at home and abroad>
b.  :  headquarters <home of the dance company>

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Assignment #1: Postcards from Home
What are the ideas and images you associate with home? For our first project you will create a set of 3 postcards that investigate what home means to you.

Things to think about:
·       The postcards can explore any aspect of home but should have some elements that tie them together formally or conceptually.

·       Each postcard should measure 4.5” x 6” and should feature a sturdy backing so that they can be passed through the mail.

·       Be sure to consider both sides of the postcard – an image on the front and an area for writing on the back.

·       You can use any process you’d like to create your postcards: drawing, painting, collage, photography, etc..

·       The postcards will be due in class on Monday, 6.10. Along with the three postcards, bring one stamp.

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