Monday, July 22, 2013

Homework + Supplies for Weds 7/24


EVERYONE - Come prepared for shoot. Wear or bring artist t-shirts and any other costumes your 'character' is wearing. Also bring sketchbooks to take notes.

JAY - Before Weds. transfer video footage to your computer at home. Save those videos there and bring your camera w/the footage still on it (+ cord) for FERNANDA to transfer to her laptop on Weds..

JAY - wear the same clothes you wore to class on Monday:

PEDRO - Bring tripod + jacket for Elsa

ELSA + FERNANDA - bring costume for guard

Meeting time + info:
Meet on Weds. at 3pm outside the Morgan Ave. Subway Station (specifically the Bogart and Harrison exit). From Union Square take the L Train to Brooklyn. Exit at Morgan Ave. Any questions or concerns get in touch w/Jes through email or by phone: 917-209-3267.

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