Monday, July 1, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Monday, 7.8

1. Complete Memory Garment + Photoshoot (Photoshoot details below). Be sure to email final 3 images from your shoot to Jessica:
2. Come to class prepared to give a short (3 minutes long) presentation on your Memory Garment. The presentation should address these three questions:

What did you make?
(What is the form of the memory garment - dress, tie, shoe, etc.? Also, what is the memory the garment is based on?)

How did you make it?
(What materials / processes did you use?)

Why did you make it?
What about this memory was significant to you? How did you translate the memory through the form of the garment?

Shoot an editorial spread that tells a story about your garment. Your spread should consist of 3 11" x 14" images, which will be the three strongest of the many, many shots you will take. 

***Be sure to email copies of your prints to: before class on 7.8.

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