Sunday, August 11, 2013

Design + Language Studio Expo

As a reminder we will be meeting at 2:15 on Monday, 8.12 in the Lang Auditorium (2nd Floor, 55 West 13th St.).** Be sure to arrive on time so that we have time to practice!

ALSO - Fernanda, Elsa, and Jay will present the Bushwick video.

See you soon!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Prepping for Final Presentation: What to bring for Wednesday**

By Wednesday at noon please email Jessica:
1. The PowerPoint slide you'll be using in your presentation - (EVERYONE)
2. The storyboard your group created for the film project - (WHOEVER HAS THE BOARD)
3. Your product logo / garment tag - if you'd like it included

Practice your presentation so that you're ready to go when Elizabeth visits our class on Weds.
Reminder - In 2 minutes:
1. What did you make?
2. How did you make it?
3. Why did you make it?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Final Presentation Prep

Part I - Practice oral presentation
For the final presentation each student will create a short (2 minute) presentation about their Memory Garment addressing these questions:

1. What did you make?
2. How did you make it?
3. Why did you make it?

It's not a lot of time to speak so be prepared - practice presenting your work out loud so that you can get to the most essential parts in the time you have.

Part II - Design slide to project while you're presenting
Because we will not have access to the dress forms the only way that your audience will see your garment is through a PowerPoint slide. Choose your imagery carefully and be sure to create a slide that shows your garment in the best light.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Size Info For Titles + Graphics

1080 pixels high x 1920 pixels wide

For class today, 7.31

Today we will continue editing in Room 402 of 55 West 13th Street.

Everyone please bring: 
T - shirts (just in case we take still shots)
Something to sketch with
Flash drive / external hard drive

David: please bring laptop
Jay: please bring camera, and footage from the start and end of film (**We need the video that was shot at the very beginning in Bushwick of you walking around alone and also the footage shot at the end of everyone in the fountain)

See you soon!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Class Info for Monday, 7.29

Tomorrow we will meet at 4pm in Room 402 of 55 West 13th Street (the computer lab bldg) to begin editing the film!

The plan is to start editing and then finish class by the fountain in Washington Square Park *weather permitting

Here are some things you need to bring:
  • sketchbook
  • something to sketch with
  • any memory card you have w/film footage on it from this project (Jay, Fernanda, anyone else)
  • your 'artist' t-shirt w/logo on it
  • your watergun
  • **Jay: bring camera

Monday, July 22, 2013

Homework + Supplies for Weds 7/24


EVERYONE - Come prepared for shoot. Wear or bring artist t-shirts and any other costumes your 'character' is wearing. Also bring sketchbooks to take notes.

JAY - Before Weds. transfer video footage to your computer at home. Save those videos there and bring your camera w/the footage still on it (+ cord) for FERNANDA to transfer to her laptop on Weds..

JAY - wear the same clothes you wore to class on Monday:

PEDRO - Bring tripod + jacket for Elsa

ELSA + FERNANDA - bring costume for guard

Meeting time + info:
Meet on Weds. at 3pm outside the Morgan Ave. Subway Station (specifically the Bogart and Harrison exit). From Union Square take the L Train to Brooklyn. Exit at Morgan Ave. Any questions or concerns get in touch w/Jes through email or by phone: 917-209-3267.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shot List + Plan for Mon., 7/22

Tentative Shot List **Will be expanded and added to on site

1. Jay walking in alley

2. Jay sketching

3. Person walks by Jay w/special image on shirt

4. Jay follows person

5. Person enters building + door closes

6. Jay knocks on door tries to get in

7. Jay enters door close up of his eyes - fade to black

8. Take many still shots of Jay in front of murals

9. Artists enter w/waterguns and fire on Jay

10. Close up of Jay's face

11. Fade to same composition of Jay's face in fountain

12. Zoom out and see Jay w/person in fountain and other artists jump in

13. Elsa is back at the gate drawing the crew in the fountain

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Plan for Monday
Meet at our classroom 

2 West 13th Street, Room 904 at 4pm.
We will take the train together to Bushwick.

Homework / Supplies:
All t-shirts finished
Guard costume - jacket, pants, tie, shirt, sunglasses
Extra memory card (Yoko)
Waterguns **Jes will find

Meeting Location, Weds 7/17

See you in Room 402 of 55 West 13th Street at 4!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Meeting Location, Mon. 7/15

We're meeting in Room 904 of 2 West 13th Street at 4pm today. See you soon!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Mon 7/15


Continue working with your group to develop a story that combines each person's NYC event. On Monday, come to class prepared to present (5 minutes per group) a storyboard that describes how this new "shared" event takes place. *Anything can happen in the event, but it must take place on location (or in multiple locations in NYC).

  • Sketchbook
  • Something to sketch with
  • Digital Camera

Meeting Info: Weds, 7.10

We will meet on the 7th floor of 2 West 13th Street to start class.

Monday, July 8, 2013

HW + Supplies for Weds. 7.10


1. Complete garment tag design

2. In your sketchbook, explore an interesting event that happened to you (or that you witnessed) in NYC. Recreate elements of the event through sketches, color descriptions, word clouds / brainstorms, photos (if you have them), found objects, etc..


  • Pencils
  • Micron Pens
  • Sketchbook
  • 1 sheet of white Illustration Board
  • Color media (paint, colored pencils, etc.)
  • Eraser
  • Pencil Sharpener

Class meeting location - Monday, 7.8

We will meet by the elevators on the 7th floor at 4pm. See you soon!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Monday, 7.8

1. Complete Memory Garment + Photoshoot (Photoshoot details below). Be sure to email final 3 images from your shoot to Jessica:
2. Come to class prepared to give a short (3 minutes long) presentation on your Memory Garment. The presentation should address these three questions:

What did you make?
(What is the form of the memory garment - dress, tie, shoe, etc.? Also, what is the memory the garment is based on?)

How did you make it?
(What materials / processes did you use?)

Why did you make it?
What about this memory was significant to you? How did you translate the memory through the form of the garment?

Shoot an editorial spread that tells a story about your garment. Your spread should consist of 3 11" x 14" images, which will be the three strongest of the many, many shots you will take. 

***Be sure to email copies of your prints to: before class on 7.8.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Inspiration: Fashion Editorials

Inspiration: MG Editorials - Previous Student Projects

HW + Supplies due Mon., July 1

Come to class with your final garment 1/3 complete
We will meet by the elevators on the 7th floor of 2 West 13th Street on Monday

All supplies you will need to complete your Memory Garment
Something to sketch with

Word List: How to Transform Paper

  • Cut
  • Trace
  • Rip
  • Wrap
  • Paste
  • Fold
  • Tear
  • Bend
  • Paint
  • Marble
  • Draw
  • Tie
  • Sculpt
  • Copy
  • Dye
  • Oil
  • Model
  • Pleat
  • Print
  • Wet
  • Reuse
  • Write On
  • Attach
  • Crush
  • Stamp
  • Fix
  • Hole punch
  • Roll
  • Scuff
  • Decorate
  • Braid
  • Emboss
  • Pinch
  • Glue
  • Burn
  • Layer
  • Sew
  • Rub
  • Bite
  • Stuff
  • Scratch
  • Pin
  • Cover
  • Knit
  • Display
  • Twist
  • Illuminate
  • Sketch
  • Combine
  • Compose
  • Antique
  • Age

Class Today

We're meeting at 4pm outside the elevators on the 7th floor of 2 West 13th Street. See you there!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Mon 6.24

1. Complete at least 3 materials studies in paper for your Memory Garment. How can you achieve the desired effects at this smaller scale and prepare yourself for the larger project?
2. If you haven't already, purchase all paper necessary to complete your MG

  • Special MG Paper
  • Scrap Paper (for pattern making if necessary)
  • scissors
  • Xacto knife
  • Pencils
  • Eraser
  • Sketchbook
  • Micron Pens
  • Glue
  • Glue gun
  • Pins (Fabric pins)
  • Tape
  • ... - any additional materials you'd like to use for your garment - beads, wax, paint, etc., etc...

Inspiration: Paper Studies