Sunday, August 11, 2013

Design + Language Studio Expo

As a reminder we will be meeting at 2:15 on Monday, 8.12 in the Lang Auditorium (2nd Floor, 55 West 13th St.).** Be sure to arrive on time so that we have time to practice!

ALSO - Fernanda, Elsa, and Jay will present the Bushwick video.

See you soon!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Prepping for Final Presentation: What to bring for Wednesday**

By Wednesday at noon please email Jessica:
1. The PowerPoint slide you'll be using in your presentation - (EVERYONE)
2. The storyboard your group created for the film project - (WHOEVER HAS THE BOARD)
3. Your product logo / garment tag - if you'd like it included

Practice your presentation so that you're ready to go when Elizabeth visits our class on Weds.
Reminder - In 2 minutes:
1. What did you make?
2. How did you make it?
3. Why did you make it?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Final Presentation Prep

Part I - Practice oral presentation
For the final presentation each student will create a short (2 minute) presentation about their Memory Garment addressing these questions:

1. What did you make?
2. How did you make it?
3. Why did you make it?

It's not a lot of time to speak so be prepared - practice presenting your work out loud so that you can get to the most essential parts in the time you have.

Part II - Design slide to project while you're presenting
Because we will not have access to the dress forms the only way that your audience will see your garment is through a PowerPoint slide. Choose your imagery carefully and be sure to create a slide that shows your garment in the best light.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Size Info For Titles + Graphics

1080 pixels high x 1920 pixels wide

For class today, 7.31

Today we will continue editing in Room 402 of 55 West 13th Street.

Everyone please bring: 
T - shirts (just in case we take still shots)
Something to sketch with
Flash drive / external hard drive

David: please bring laptop
Jay: please bring camera, and footage from the start and end of film (**We need the video that was shot at the very beginning in Bushwick of you walking around alone and also the footage shot at the end of everyone in the fountain)

See you soon!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Class Info for Monday, 7.29

Tomorrow we will meet at 4pm in Room 402 of 55 West 13th Street (the computer lab bldg) to begin editing the film!

The plan is to start editing and then finish class by the fountain in Washington Square Park *weather permitting

Here are some things you need to bring:
  • sketchbook
  • something to sketch with
  • any memory card you have w/film footage on it from this project (Jay, Fernanda, anyone else)
  • your 'artist' t-shirt w/logo on it
  • your watergun
  • **Jay: bring camera